

Dantse Dantse


Cancer Likes Wheat, Loves Sugar and Kisses Milk

Carcinogenic Nutrition and Toxic Substances in Your Food
How your food causes cancer - Poisons, Addictives, Free Radicals

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The best friends of cancer are wheat, sugar, dairy products and fats. Our diet does not only support the arise of cancer, but also its distribution. How does our diet trigger cancer? Dantse Dantse presents in this book detailed all... Weiterlesen

Cancer likes Wheat: How cancer cells are fed

Cancer likes wheat shows an enormous risk of the western diet for the healthy body we wish for! This disease can be prevented to a certain degree. A right diet and a good live style can prevent cancer, while a bad nutrition and an unhealthy live style support their distribution. The right diet does not only mean a healthy nutrition or just eating biological products, the right diet means also to eat right foods. Bad nutrition means, to eat the wrong foods or to renounce certain food. And bad foods influence cancerous diseases.
Our live- and eating habits have changed in the last years and therefore also cancerous diseases – but also other chronic diseases, like adipositas, diabetes, osteoporosis, heart-circulation diseases, Alzheimer, Parkinson and tooth diseases- have risen, especially in the western country.

The author and coach Dantse Dantse spent much of his spare time with natural medics and saw, how they helped people and explained, how precious the foods of Cameroon are and what they can combat and heal and also why the western diet triggers nutrition.

Which foods and substances in the nutrition from cancer cells or rise the risk?

In Cancer likes wheat Dantse presents many facts of his findings from scientific studies, Africa and from his coaching. You can learn something new about the following topics:

  • what cancer is
  • Which milieus support cancer
  • Why an unhealthy intestine flora can be the reason of cancerous diseases
  • How coffee and tea, especially baby tea, can be carcinogen
  • Which foods support cancer
  • complete list of cancerous chemicals and poison in foods and in which foods they occur
  • A list of carcinogen substances in baby food
  • Why a diet without or with little amount of oil can support the formation of cancer, especially breast cancer
  • a lack of fat can trigger cancer
  • How inflammations in the body cause cancer
  • Why milk products, sugar and wheat are enemies of our health and also the best friends of cancer
  • How beverages can trigger cancer
  • Vitamins and minerals: Which effect does a lack of them have on the formation of cancer?
  • Additives (preservation agents, dying agents and so on) in food, ordered in which food you can find them and what they cause
  • List of carcinogen substances in foods and the countermeasures
  • free radicals
  • and much more

The author enriches the knowledge of the reader as barely a book before and offers new information and exclusive findings about new substances and foods, The mixture of scientific facts, his live in Africa, his own experiences as a coach and a nutrition counsellor make this book to a unique treasure box of knowledge.


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